Description of the Project part1


Status of the Project (01/09/2004)


Dear Visitor!

You are on the page of the special Charitable Project of Lions Clubs from Norway, Belarus, Italy, Germany and other countries.
We realize an International and,at the same time, Belarusian Republican Project

The Lions Family Center of rehabilitation and adaptation for children after the cancer

Belarusian families need it very much.Within 19 years nobody has created system of the psychological help and rehabilitation for family in which a child has had been ill by heavy disease, as a cancer, and has survived. How this family lives after Hospital? What help is necessary for it? What we may make for this purpose?

The Project of Lions Clubs is answer to these questions.

On this page you can find information about Project, it's history, realization an possibilities to support it.


The ICCCPO - parents and specialists against cancer - news from Oslo, Norway

Belarusian Chernobyl Tragedy
There are many information about Chernobyl disaster, its influence on children in Belarus. An International charity organizations helping our little country to fight this horrible inheritance. Ironically Belarus doesn't have a single nuclear power plant on it's territory. But it is surrounded by a ring of power stations of our neighbors: Ignaline station in Lithuania, Smolensk station in Russia and Chernobyl station in Ukraine. The rose of winds on April 26, 1986 was such that 70% of radioactive dust had fallen on Belarus. Of this 70% most of radioactive contamination had been done in Homel and Mogilev oblast's (administrative units). The story of Chernobyl is not over yet. Belarusian families with children which had been ill by heavy illnesses, including cancer, and have survived after that require rehabilitation for normal life.

More than 5 000 children survived with help of belarussian doctors now. And many of this children are living in the different cities, towns and small villages of Belarus. Some of them - in the "dirty" regions in the Mogilev's and Gomel's districts. The radioactive "dirty" places are in the Minsk's and Brest's districts too.

The Republican Children's Cancer Hospital under the Minsk

The small pathients of the Hospital

The Charitable Account of the International Lions Project in Belarus

"The Lions Center for families and children"

Deutsche Bank AG (Frankfurt am Main) S.W.I.F.T.-code DEUT DE FF

Corresponding Account of Belarusbank: 9498114 10

Savings Bank "Belarusbank"
S.W.I.F.T. : AKBB BY 2X, Branch 520

Charitable Account of the Family Center : 3015000000820

with remark "for development of the Family Center"

if you need any information about support - please write there

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