Links to the sites of Clubs:




Dear visitors!
We are glad to welcome you on the page of Republican public association "The Lions Clubs, Belarus"

The history of the Lions Clubs in our country totals already more than 12 years.
In this history there were periods of rises and recessions, opening and disappointments, achievements and failures.
But in 2004 reckons the MODERN HISTORY of Lions-movement in Byelorussia.
It is connected to official registration of Lion Clubs by the Ministry of Justice of our republic.
Now Association possesses all rights of the public organization and is officially recognized as the state and the public.
There is the major stage of development of the Lions Clubs.
The given event became possible due thanks to interest of many members of Clubs from different cities of republic, due to support of our Norwegian friends and understanding on the part of the state bodies.
The big role in becoming Clubs Chairman of the Zone 2003-2004 Slava Scherba has played.
He has performed huge organizational work and all lions of republic are grateful him for it.
Now the big both sated public life and work waits us.
We are sure - it will be successful and will benefit to requiring members of a society, children, families. This work gives and will give even more satisfaction to members of Lions Clubs - to not indifferent, noble people which every year becomes more and more in our country.
The international cooperation gives us a hope for an embodiment of courageous social projects under a name of the Lions Clubs.
We know - the Byelorussian Lions there are - a rich history, confidence of today, the fine future.
We are glad to friendship and cooperation with all colleagues and friends - Lions of all the world!

We Serve!

We thank you for visiting our site and are invited again!


The News:

November, 2005 - the new Club in Kobrin (Brest region) is preparing to organize.This Club 'll organize on the base of the Cetner of the social protection of Kobrin-town.

But we NEED a sponsoring Club from Norway for the LC Kobrin!



Now you can visit the NEW page of the International Lions Project for Belarus:

the view of the new Center


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